Annoying ppl on campus
This is basically an AITA post. This morning as I got out of class, I was checking my apps and I noticed I had some money left on my veo scooter account because I had used them like once. So I decided to use the rest of the money because it was like $1.50. I get a little scooter right across the main bridge on West campus and since there’s like construction and stuff, I have to go around it and get back on the sidewalk to get onto the main road headed back towards my apartment. I think I was near the back of the administration building. I’m not really sure. I was also in a slow zone. I was trying to get onto the sidewalk when ahead of me I noticed an older man and when I ride the scooters, I think of it the same way as you would drive, which is to be on the right side of the walkway or roadway. So I am on the right side when I noticed him walking towards his left, which would be right in front of me since we are going opposite directions and he just stops and stands right in front of me so I go around him and then he says “why don’t you watch where you’re going?” in a rude tone so I was like “ dude you just stopped and stood right in the walkway in front of me” and that was the end of the interaction. I just wanna know if I was in the wrong. I don’t think I am because who just stops and stands right in front of someone on a scooter. That’s a very fast way to get hit. I also know that on the UTA campus there is some discourse with scooter riders and sometimes them being rude or careless, but obviously like I said it was a slow zone. I almost had to completely get off the scooter to go around him because I didn’t wanna hit him. He was also an older man, so I don’t think he expected me to say anything back to him. He seemed a little bit entitled by the way he talked, and I mean, literally stopped and stood in front of a scooter. Anyways, y’all let me know what you think.