The rise of radical veganism coincides with a rise in the number of vegans
So many people say "My GuD preachy vegoons are ruining our reputation".
Meanwhile, veganism is rising very fast. Unprecedented animal welfare laws are being passed, such as California's fur ban. The availability of plant based products has risen in a spectacular fashion: faux fur now replaces animal fur, plant based milk are replacing dairy milk at an insane pace, and more. Plant based products are more available than ever, despite a few temporary setbacks linked to the post covid economy.
Meanwhile, most people never got the chance of being exposed to extreme vegan preachers before the internet. As of today, nearly everyone knows who That Vegan Teacher is. She has got countless people to think about veganism, which made many people who never had time to think about it make the switch.
It's not a coincidence. The 2010s is when plant based products really started skyrocketing and it's also the time where extreme activists became very visible.