I think I need a vacation

8 months ago me and my partner found out we were going to be parents. Ever since then, I’ve been working and saving money. Throughout the past almost year, I feel like most of the works been placed on me. Chores, cooking and bringing home money. Everyday when I come back home the house is usually a mess, so I’m usually doing the laundry and cleaning the kitchen. I usually don’t even have time or energy to clean our room or the bathroom.

I work for my dad, he’s a general contractor. I do general labor or help around the office. Sometimes it’s hard like having to transport alot of heavy materials or cleaning debris from projects. Sometimes it’s easier like only having to deliver documents around town. Eitherway I’m away from home for around 8 hours and I am tired when I come back.

Recently I’ve been trying to pick up more work, on Saturdays I work with a friend of my dad who is a plumber, the work with him is a little more tiring but pays a little better. I’ve also been trying donating plasma, doordashing and furniture flipping to make a little bit of extra cash.

I also usually do the grocery shopping so I try to find ways to save money, I try not to buy myself as many snacks. I’ve tried couponing and freezing fruits and vegetables, buying certain items in bulk, buying discounted foods near their expiration date.

All in all the stress has been getting to me more and more everyday. There are days where I think about killing myself or harming msyelf. I’ve noticed greying hairs on my body and there are days where I feel random sharp pains on one side of my head/body.

I think I just really wish my partner would do more to make money or at least keep the house neat. There’s days where she’ll wash the dishes or put some things away but that’s about it.