My frustration with VTs legislature summed up by one act: H.381

I have 3 complaints about this bill: 1) The title is intentionally extremely misleading 2) it’s a feel good piece of legislation that won’t solve anything but would burn tons of political capital 3) it does nothing to address actual issues Vermonters experience day to day

Act 381 proclaims to be a ban on gas operated firearms. If accurate that would include all AR, mini-14 and AK style guns. However the text of the bill includes a ban on all blowback operated guns. That means every modern pistol and many non AR style rifles would also be banned. The title is straight up a lie.

The chances of this passing as is are slim to none. If the bill was narrowed to reflect the title it wouldn’t ban the guns actually responsible for gun deaths in VT: pistols. So it’s either a no go or ineffective.

Gun crime in Vt is relatively small issue compared to cost of housing, wage stagnation and overbearing healthcare costs. This bill is a waste of time and the effort would be better spent elsewhere if the goal was to make Vermont a strong and successful state into the future.

I’m a gun owner. I believe there are things that could be done to help gun violence. These include training and licensing among others. However a blanket ban on all semi auto guns is not that. Furthermore as someone who votes and lives by values that are generally very left aligning this bill is a perfect example of why broadly speaking left leaning politicians stumble nationally. It uses a ton of political capital, is intentionally misleading and doesn’t actually solve a real problem.

Let’s talk about licensing and training! But let’s also stop putting forward pieces of legislation simply to make a statement.