Do years of experience as an animal tech matter for vet school at all?

One way to find out is by trying and applying and eventually getting an answer, but it doesn't hurt to get some information before hand, and other people might benefit from these answers too. Anyways, for the past 7 years, this is what I worked as: - hospital pharmacy technician (2 years) - animal research technician I, II, then III (5 years). I am working on getting some certifications like the LAT and then LATG for now.

Additional information about my background if you want to read:

I majored in geology (BS) back in the day. I'm 29 by the way. Not a high gpa, 2.89. Looking back, I certainly didn't give even 60% of my potential tbh for a lot of reasons, I was still immature and had things going on. When I studied harder last semesters I did much better like about 3.5 gpa but you know it wasn't enough to uplift me. Then, I ended up not working in geology besides a research assistant at uni if that counts, where I also got my name of a publication. I had life and financial reasons that made me seek more stable jobs that were also in demand. Geology was one of the things that I like, science and animals are also other things that I like, which is why I am working in my current job. Yeah I won't go into why I am considering higher education, but some reasons are feeling like I want something more fulfilling and challenging.

Career wise, I want to stay in the field that I am, but I have different options like going to grad school and just working in animal hospital or animal research lab management or become a vet. Also, I am super aware of how demanding vet school is. Thanks 😊.