Your offered 100,000,000 million dollars, in order to get them, you have to personally enter every game you've beat and beat it as yourself.

Rules: Time outside does not pass, and you will not age If you died time rewinds to an hour before you died or to the last save point if the game has it You become the protagonist, however you don't become the main character (Ex. In god of war you take the place of Kratos, however you don't become him) meaning you get the powers they get during the game, but not ones they had prior. You still have your physique, not the MCs, however you will gain muscle and all that stuff, and it'll be kept between deaths. The powers you do get do NOT carry over into other games or real life If you spend the equivalent of a year inside, you fail the challenge and go back to real life, without the money. There are no bugs, the world is physical. It only includes games that can be beat alone, and have an end.

Do you accept

Rules: Time outside does not pass, and you will not age If you died time rewinds to an hour before you died or to the last save point if the game has it You become the protagonist, however you don't become the main character (Ex. In god of war you take the place of Kratos, however you don't become him) meaning you get the powers they get during the game, but not ones they had prior. You still have your physique, not the MCs, however you will gain muscle and all that stuff, and it'll be kept between deaths. The powers you do get do NOT carry over into other games or real life If you spend the equivalent of a year inside, you fail the challenge and go back to real life, without the money. There are no bugs, the world is physical. It only includes games that can be beat alone, and have an end.

Do you accept