Tw: rape and sexual assault why is this vile thing released on webtoon and are these type of things justified in the name of dark romance?

I was about to read this it was on my reading list without knowing anything until I watched a youtube review and I myself read the synopsis and I was like what in the world? I mean the ml bullies her r*pes her and then she falls in love? Is this how dark romance works? And is this supposed to be justified in the name of dark romance? I mean how dehumanizing this novel and webtoon is. People nowadays justify any bad thing under dark romance. And there are so many people who justify haunting adenine. Like I am just speechles.

I was about to read this it was on my reading list without knowing anything until I watched a youtube review and I myself read the synopsis and I was like what in the world? I mean the ml bullies her r*pes her and then she falls in love? Is this how dark romance works? And is this supposed to be justified in the name of dark romance? I mean how dehumanizing this novel and webtoon is. People nowadays justify any bad thing under dark romance. And there are so many people who justify haunting adenine. Like I am just speechles.