An Unpopular Webtoon opinion/Pet peeve you have?
Probably my biggest pet peeves:
1) Colour blind fans: People who just like to simp on red flag ml's just because they're hot. This doesn't limit to Webtoon only but i see it so often and I'm an avid hater of those fand. Also stuff like romanticizing of SA and St@lking. It's fine when the red flag ml is a well written complex character with a lot of depths and fans just like to appreciate that, but most of the time it's just immature/underage readers going on about how the red flag male leads are sooo hot and I'm just sick of it.
2) White Lotuses: I don't mind female antagonists but they are so badly written most of the time. Like their sole purpose is to hate on the main character and they don't have any actual depth. I'm just sick of that trope. Like they only exist for people to hate on them, and even when they do have backstories, they are written so poorly it makes me sick. Also it shifts the focus from female friendships in Manhwas which I feel like aren't talked about enough