NE weather beater/daily?
Sorry i know im probably asking the most basic question of all time, but i really am looking to invest a good chunk of change on a beater or daily driver. I currently drive a tuned bmw and as my life has changed and ive grown up i’ve realized that this thing has been more pain than anything lol.
I’m looking to spend almost a max of 7k and something that just isn’t rwd. I’m curious to hear suggestions, i of course know long running history with toyotas, 5.3 GMs, stuff like that but i see a lot of stuff on facebook that im unsure of. I do work on cars myself and don’t necessarily have a great area to work on stuff nor a ton of tools but im certainly a driveway mechanic when i need to be. I have no preference on the size or type of vehicle as long as it has 4 doors awd or fwd. Just looking for makes and models of some known tanks just to get ideas