Need something AWD and fast

Alright, this is going to be a bit of a spiel.

Growing up I was very into cars. Throughout college I drove a turbo NA Miata and absolutely loved it. I went to multiple car meets every week and was entrenched in car culture. Towards the end of college the Miata blew up and I spent a ton of time, effort and money swapping in a new engine. I was in way over my head and messed up a bunch of stuff. Never got it back on the road and ended up selling the shell.

I later but a turbo Subaru that needed some work and had a similar experience. I had more knowledge and experience at that point so did eventually turn it into a clean daily driver, but the time, effort, and stress were not worth it. Ended up selling it as the whole experience had me sketched out about its reliability and I didn't want to put myself in a place where I was paying 7-10k for a new engine.

After that I left the car scene and bought a boring Honda Accord. I cycled through a few cars after that but never bought anything an enthusiast would even glance at. I was just done with the money and the stress of trying to own a fast car. The juice wasn't worth the squeeze. However I've hated every car I've owned since then and have always felt like something is missing in this area of my life.

Fast forward to now (about 5 years later): my Dad passed away last year and left behind his C6 Corvette. It is very much not my style (wide body, window louvres, stickers, obscenely loud etc), but I've been driving it lately to work out a few of the kinks before I put it up for sale for my mom. It has a built motor and makes about 500 wheel horsepower. Not extremely fast by some standards, but for me it makes it feel like my organs have left my body when I punch it on an on ramp.

Driving around in that car has reawakened my desire to get back into cars and buy something fast.

So here are the requirements: 1. AWD - Moving to Colorado soon so it will see snow. 2. Fast

And that's pretty much it. I make a lot more now than in college so anything under 50k would be doable, would like to keep it under 30k. Age is not a factor. I drive around in old beaters so would not be opposed to something 20+ years old. Also not opposed to something new. Definitely would like to hear about anything obscure that isn't just a WRX.

Thanks for your input, sorry for the novel.

Edit: Sorry for the typos

Edit 2: I don't think I said this properly in the original post, I am open to something up to 50k, but also would be fine spending $800 on a hoopty, just looking for maximum enjoyment here.