Bleeding when irrigating 2 weeks after surgery
I got all 4 wisdom teeth removed exactly 2 weeks ago now and have had little to no issues, but about a week ago when I did my syringe irrigation one of the bottom holes started bleeding. It scared me so I stopped using it for a few days and then tried again and it bled again. So I stopped for another few days and tried again last night and it bled again! I don’t have dry socket or any pain so I don’t know why this is happening. Should I stop using the syringe for good? I think I have food stuck in the holes and I’ve been doing my best to get it out with saltwater rinses, mouthwash, and q-tips but it’s not working. I don’t have any signs of infection but I’m worried I’ll get one if I can’t get this food out. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!!!