It’s possible to get back on track. WHEWWWWWW.

I had RNY in July 2022, and lost around 150 lbs (including pre-surgery) by July 2023. I had about 50 lbs to go to get to my goal weight.

And then I got into a new relationship with someone who didn’t have good eating habits. (That is putting it mildly).

I told myself I was strong enough to stick to my plan, but boyyyyy was I wrong. It wasn’t my partner’s fault, but I fell fast into drinking and eating terribly, because it was in front of me and I couldn’t fight the temptation.

I had gained about 25 lbs back in a short amount of time, but my biggest fear was that I couldn’t stop craving food like I once did.

And worse, I couldn’t feel my restriction anymore. I was eating almost pre-surgery portions. I felt out of control and depressed that I ruined the one thing I worked so hard for and spent so much time (not to mention money) on.

I ended up breaking up with my partner because I couldn’t let his poor lifestyle become my lifestyle. After several months of continuing to give into cravings, I finally put my foot down and started to make better choices. High protein and fiber. Smaller portions. Working out regularly.

And I am FINALLY back on track. I am energized by healthful foods. I don’t want to eat junk. And the best thing:


I thought it was hopeless. I thought I had stretched out my stomach again and was back to square one. Turns out: nope! The restriction will come back if you let it.

Anyway. Definitely didn’t mean to make this so long, but I’m just really excited that I ate 1/2 a tuna wrap (on lavash bread) and was too full to finish the rest.

I have a lot of work to do to get back to my lowest, and then even more work to get to my goal weight. But I feel like it’s possible again. That’s all!