I quit with no backup

So I just quit a 10 year career in a big bank. I found the RTO, long commute, tracking hours, AND inefficient micromanager too much to bear. I tried to make it work hard. I’d be away from baby in meetings with an unproductive inefficient boss all day and when I get home at 4 pm would have my boss calling me before I’ve even reached home. I’d tell my boss I need 10 minutes to breastfeed baby and I’ll jump back on calls and boss would immediately say things like “ok let’s get back on call in exactly 10 minutes” and would just keep me on pointless calls for hours even though I spent the whole day with her. When I tried to escalate to head of division she said “but why do you need to see your baby? You shouldn’t see baby at all until your 8 hours is up.” PS expectation is after the 8 hours too we still do global calls at night.

Couldn’t take it. Just didn’t feel like missing my baby’s precious years in a company that doesn’t have any flexibility or respect for working moms is worth it. Interestingly I came across a post this morning on the community that said life comes in seasons and sometimes it’s the season of working in an office job 5 days a week 8 hours a day and sometimes it’s the season to be a mom who takes a break or maybe to be a working mom with flexibility and maybe lower pay. I felt it so hard.

We’re good financially for a while but I’m going to keep searching for something while enjoying the time off. I’m sure the panic will kick in soon anyway.