PSA to the newer players for Juggernauts

Noticed a heccin large number of sub level 100 players in my challenge mode games lately (and even some 999's guilty of not knowing this) so here's a little knowledge to help cut this enemy down from a serious threat to an afterthought

For Juggernauts, aim first for the legs, then the head. Shooting a jugg in the legs with as little as only half your mag (very low damage threshold) makes him do that funny animation where he lays down and looks like he's on fire. this opens up opportunities to easily blast his face with the rest of your mag AND stops him from charging through your entire team and cutting a chunk of everyones health off. You can also repeatedly knock him down while you continue to deal with a horde of zombies or other specials first. When he's on the floor, he's completely not a threat

Can't count the number of teammates I've saved while a juggernaut was mid charge and I got a lucky Repeating Rifle shot on the leg. Happy zombie slaying all <3