I'm having a hard time making friends in WoW

It's as the title says. I'm a new player to WoW, I've only been playing for about a week and a half. I play WoW Classic, Cataclysm, and Retail simultaneously, sometimes all in one day. I'm level 9 in Classic, 17 in Cata and 23 in Retail.

On classic, I joined a guild, but it is a smaller guild. Occasionally chat members will talk with me, but a lot of the time I don't get an answer. I tried joining the guild discord but nobody there is really active.

On all three versions, occasionally someone will do a quest with me, but after that they usually leave the group after they've gotten what they need help with.

I try typing in the chats - particularly the newcomer chat and LookingForGroup, and sometimes I shoot the shit with a few people but usually people don't want to talk too much. I'm on high population servers for all three versions that I play.

I randomly send people messages that I see in the overworld, and I'll just compliment them to start up a conversation. I'll tell them they have a cool pet, or minion, or that I like their outfit. Sometimes they'll reply with a thank you, but a lot of the time I'll just get ignored.

I'll send out group requests for people when they're similar level to me to help with questing, and a lot of those times my requests will get declined.

The reason I got into WoW is because it's an MMORPG, and I was really excited for the social aspects in the game. But in this regard, I don't seem to be having the best luck.

Is there something I'm missing? Do I just need to wait it out longer? If anyone has any tips, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.