How often do you report?

I'm playing tank this season and learning the dungeons/routes and what packs to pull and who to ignore. Well this was the first week of learning and I made a lot of mistakes completing each dungeon this season.

I started at base mythic for each dungeon and then +2 after. I think most groups I joined were chill, but there were quite a few with some bad apples in them.

For example, I made a couple of bad pulls at the beginning of the Cinderbew Meadery. I guess I pulled an extra pack by mistake which causes us to wipe. People were respawning immediately instead of waiting for the pack to reset. One person started calling me the worst f'ing tank ever and some other stuff I can't repeat on here.

I quit the group and got whispered shortly after with some more rude things. Similar things happened when I died to a specific mechanic or made a mistake on a boss position, etc.. lots of people like that explode the moment you make any mistake.

I report these players because I find it unacceptable to treat others like that, especially when I say I'm learning and may make mistakes.

Thankfully I've gotten much better and the complaints are a lot less, but I have to wonder, do other people experience the same thing, specifically tanks or healers? Do you report these players? I have no idea if my reports do anything as I never get indication of it.