Banned from World of Warcraft without knowing the reason?
So last Saturday, randomly my account got suspended for 1 week on retail without me knowing why, or recieving any email. I opened a ticket asap asking why I got banned, explaning how I did nothing wrong, I was not rude to any other player, did not exploit any bug (altho there are many in the game right now) and I dont use any 3rd party soft or what ever that can cost me to get banned. After 48hours of waiting I recieved an answer from "chatgpt" aka their automated messages, that didnt give me any answer. I provided SS in my ticket how I have not gotten any email from them and asked for my ban to be taken down, because to me that happend by mistake or maybe caused by some random report by someone. Im a pvp player, so I do alot of pvp , Battlegrounds, arena, solo shuffle, ppl there are known for reporting you if they lose a round or for no reason. The start of the season is something big for everyone who is competetive in pve or pvp as I even take 1 week off from work to be able to play fully thru the first week...aaand that didnt go as planned. 3 days after my ban I recieved another answer to my ticket from support saying that I should recieve an email with the reason why I am banned and linking me the ToS page. Checked my email again and nothing there. I dont have problem with my email or recieving mails from blizzard, I always get them I recieve emails from them about payment, about restored vendored items, about my tickets just not the answer to the reason why I am banned. Im starting to think its some automated ban or something. Like 3 more days and the ban ends but the feeling of their aweful custumer support will remain forever. Its 2025 and the fact that You cant get in to talk with a human support in a multi billion company is pretty disturbing. No callcenter, no livechat nothing...