What's the general opinion on Dragonflight ?
The more I get to talk about DF the more I notice how it's a very divisive expansion. Some say it was a step in the right direction, some say it was straight up boring. I'm writing this right after reading a comment on twitter saying it was worse than Shadowlands, so yeah I'm kinda testing the water cause I get the general opinion of the community about every expansion but for DF I'm really puzzled. So what do you think about DF ? Personally I enjoyed it but nothing to write home about. It was definitely an upgrade after SL's shitfest in every aspect. I have to say tho, the story was not very interesting, dare I'd say shallow, and the zones were the biggest 5/10 I've ever seen : not bad by any mean but they all had an element that didn't sit right with me, like Azure Span being basically northrend reheated, Zaralek being so overly dark i could barely see shit... the waking shore was my favorite zone cause it was very cozy and nice looking, but if it was in any other expansion it would place mid-low easily. So yeah I could rant for hours about DF cause it's such a mix of things I liked and didn't like. But anyway, what about you ? I'm very curious to know what's the general opinion on DF!