Any other tanks who prefer linear dungeons to big open ones?

I've been tanking since S1 tww and one thing I noticed is how much more I prefer linear dungeons like Stonevault, Rookery, Darkflame Cleft as opposed to something like Dawnbreaker, first part of Priory, Floodgate main part or Motherlode first part.

I do love the big open dungeons thematically and with choice of where to go (even though meta usually established one path which is the go to) and the way it makes the dungeons feel huge.

But there's something about the simple linear layout that I enjoy when it comes to tanking because I don't have to stress over pathing, worry about pulling too much or too little trash, or the wrong trash pack, and is just nice knowing that the % bar will fill up just by doing the dungeon. Whereas the big open ones can get a bit overwhelming when I see hundreds of packs of trash everywhere.

Anyone else feel like this or do you enjoy the big density of trash and the big open areas?