Have you ever needed to change a main character’s name? How do you get over it?
TLDR: It turns out two of my main characters’ names are too similar, so I need to change one. Have you ever needed to change one of your main characters’ names? If so, how did you get over it?
Context: I’ve been writing a story for about a year now, but I’ve only shown it to a few people. Now that it’s done, one of my friends asked to read it. They liked it! But they did have one critique that I can’t believe I didn’t notice: Two of the main character’s names are very similar, Ray and Ruby, which made some things a bit confusing.
I know this is probably a very amateur mistake. This makes sense, because I am an amateur, so I’m not letting it get me down. But I do need to change Ruby’s name.
Have you ever, for any reason, needed to change a main character’s name after writing them with that name for a long time? How do you get over the name change, especially if it was something you picked very carefully? As I continue to write more stories with these characters, I’m worried that I’m going to end up confusing myself a lot over this.