X-Factor #71 a retro-review by yours truly
And the retro-reviews just keep a coming! X-Factor #71-while not Peter David’s first issue, it’s officially the first for the new run with the new team, as well as the team becoming the government funded mutant team featuring Havok, Polaris, Quicksilver, Multiple Man, Wolfsbane, and Strong Guy, with government liaison, Val Cooper. The issue features one of the strongest issues that’s built on character development I’ve ever seen. Not a single fight scene in the entire issue, but it was still an interesting and entertaining read. It’s full of quippy dialogue, and biting wit, Peter David is setting the tone for his unforgettable, yet gone way too soon run on this book.
Joining him on art duties is Larry Stroman. Stroman’s one of those early 90’s artists who has a style uniquely his own. He doesn’t ape guys like the Image founders, the characters are recognizable, funny to read, and distinctly different from everything else you’ve read in the rest of the X-universe. The only thing about this issue that I didn’t like was the ending. Fortunately with the next issue we find out that it was all a sleight of hand trick (or was it?)