I have trouble remembering events and characters

I LOVE the yakuza games. I started with 0, played through them all and have just finished 7. I love the series so much, I have a tattoo to symbolise one of my two favourite characters. Still have ishin and gaiden to play. I've also played both Judgements.

That being said, I struggle sometimes with the plot. They can be quite convoluted and there are often so many side characters and side antagonists, that I struggle to remember them all and keep them straight.

I makes me a bit sad because I can't always join in discussions because I don't remember who the hell we're talking about. Like, I remember everyone from 7 because I finished it a couple of weeks ago. But ask me who the side characters or what the plot of 4 is, and I don't have an effing clue.

I feel like a fake fan sometimes because the memories of the game fade away by the time I'm on the next one. Maybe I should just watch recaps?

I still remember that I enjoyed it though. It's just a lot to remember and I heard that mental health issues can affect memory, so maybe it's that.

I watched Reggie on YouTube do a super quick but kooky run through of 7 and loved it. Maybe I'll find something like that.

Anyhoo, I'm just worrying out loud here. Happy yakuzering, people.