Well I guess that’s a win?…

I just started budgeting during the trial period, I decided to focus on getting my $1000 buffer covered first for peace of mind (I know a lot of people like to get a month ahead.)

Anyway I finished funding my buffer and I was so proud to see $1000 in there. “Oh crap I have to do taxes, (totally forgot, never budgeted for it or anything else) I’ll prob get a refund like I usually do”

Nope owe $943 to the gov due to some poor financial choices this year. Buffer wiped out in less than 5 hours. Pretty upsetting to see that vanish, but at least I didn’t go into debt or need to use a CC. So I’m going to count that as a win.

I’m going to focus on getting it back to $1000 before working on a month ahead as it makes me feel more secure. Unless some people have any better ideas for me.

Anyone else been saved by their buffer?

EDIT: thank you everyone for the encouraging words and advice. You’re right, this is what a buffer/ e fund is for, time to build it back up again