Need help finding a really weird ad on youtube called Childrens Church


I got an ad a little less than an hour ago for some animated thing called Childrens Church, it was a 12 minutes long, animation mixed with real life puppets, and very weird. it used ALOT of sound effects and just overall seemed like some sort of shitpost. It starts off with an animated hand changing the channel of tv with a remote, it goes through a couple channels before coming across Childrens Church. It says not to change the channel but the hand tries to anyways, the remote "comes alive" and tells the hand that it said not to change the channel. They continue watching the channel, In colorful lettering the logo comes up "Childrens Church" all the letters have faces on them and start to sing an intro. I forgot most of what happened next because I was in a state of "wtf" but eventually two characters show up, one is an Orange and fluffy puppet with huge black eyes, The other is a black felt-looking book with a face drawn on paper taped on it . The black book is revealed to be the Holy Bible. The rest of the episode is just them doing some stuff and talking to the viewer. And thats about all I can remember. I got this ad on youtube for nintendo switch so I couldnt click on it to take me to the channel/page/video or whatever. But I really want to find the origin of it because it was really weird and interesting. Maybe I was the only person to get this ad because I cant find anything about it online.TLDR; I wanna find a weird ad for animated "show" on youtube called Childrens Church