Zoloft is great, keep going
I wanted to write this because this subreddit is full to the brim with negative posts about side effects, how people feel worse on the meds etc and I am really surprised to be honest.
I am on week 4 of Zoloft after a mental breakdown and chronic anxiety and my mood is considerably lifted, and my anxiety is mostly gone as well as chronic over thinking. It's just amazing to have some peace and quiet in my head for once in my life. I was shocked at how effective the medication was, and also sad that I had not discovered it earlier in my life. I never realised how sabotaging the internal dialogue was in my head I had since a child and figured it was just "normal".
The first week is not going to be great, but equally its not all end of the world like this subreddit suggests. Guys, you took ownership of your mental health problems, you went to a doctor and told them your problems, they gave you the most widely prescribed SSRI in the world which is extremely well tolerated. You are in CONTROL of your situation, you have done everything right to this point, do not throw it away over some panicky reddit negative feedback posts. The negative posts you see here are OUTLIERS. There are literally millions of people around the world taking this daily and absolutely fine.
I understand that many people are already anxious or you would not be considering taking this stuff, but I am here to tell you that there is a high likelihood it will work, and work well for you.
Here is what you can typically expect in the first week and I am sorry to say they are not always pleasant but go away very fast.
- Headache, (mine came on fast and did not go for a few days)
- Restless sleeping / insomnia (went fast)
- Brain Fog (VERY REAL. Just a general pressure in the head that is hard to explain, probably the worst part and went after day 3)
- Possible bad stomach for a couple days
- Possible heightened anxiety (because you are not used to new meds and don't feel in control)
OK guys, that's the bad bit, but you know what, you just have to quite simply white knuckle ride that shit and get your shit together. These meds are awesome and you need to commit and get through the hard part.
For me that hard part lasted THREE DAYS. THATS IT. On Day 4, all my side effects had gone COMPLETELY. This is what my doctor said would be the likely time line too. So yeah, take reddit posts with a pinch of salt.
You are going to be ok, and I am proud of you for taking steps towards taking ownership of your life. It takes great courage and commitment, now just trust the process, trust the meds. They are not there to sabotage you, they are there to help you. Give them time and if you feel bad in the first week just keep telling yourself "these tablets are trying to help me". They are battling away to get control in your body and that will take time, but once they do, you are set!
I trust you, and you need to to trust yourself. Do not throw it away before its even begun because you feel scared or nervous due to some posts you read on reddit.
Peace and Love.
EDIT: Grammar, Punctuation.