cyclops gets the london treatment (are these rogues rmt farmers or is this just 224gs things?)
gold making
i love fighting druids when im just chilling in 124s (please remove thorncoat)
panther buffs, wow...
Killing HR Spectral Knight with a Torch - 4:47 Bard (faster with a rogue)
squire spectral knight 55s
made a guide on how to do spectral knight fast
When you run into a bard on solos
Anyone know when bosses like banshee and spectral knight actually start taking damage?
Spectral Knight in 27 seconds (FINAL), 25s is possible with perfect rng someone else better than me do it
someone asked me to do cyclops in 30 seconds
Update: Rondel is faster, Spectral Knight in 29 seconds yup
Spectral Knight in 33 seconds idk, can be faster with rondel?
Cave troll in 22s idk
Rogue, get a taste of your own medicine
The current situation with cave troll farming
What are some obvious changes QOL or Nerfs we need no hot takes just obvious good for the game changes
I'm addicted to killing timmies
Sorcerer looks nice. Good job, devs!