Happy Meal Code Giveaway
What the freak do i do with this stuff
We can use shine dust instead of trade tokens!
McDonald's Happy Meal Code Giveaway -- Free Code For The Best Explanation!
What is the highest number of cards you can discard in one turn?
Absolute beginner, what's your "Wish I had known when I started" advice?
Can we all agree that the price of accessory sets is ridiculous?
I expect perfection…
I would be very happy if this was one of the rewards from the upcoming ranked ladder
This deck finished top 3 in a big tournament recently … can someone explain the strategy?
Today we lost our 5 year old boy
Smacking Cat Butts
What Is The Best Dog To Get Over "Dogophobia" For a Five Year Old?
What other kinds of emblem events do you think there will be?
The Only One Thing That PTCP Players want during first/second turn.
New Moltres Ex promo card 🔥🔥
I don't like pelvic-thrust Charizard