If you believe in eternal consciousness or some kind of eternal individual existence understanding of nibbana, you are doing yourself a huge disservice in sticking with Theravada Buddhism exclusively.
Do the dhammas possess determinate existence from their own side, independent of the minds conceptual processing of the data?
Ha! Got them there Sammy.
Could someone please give me the full text for Ajahn Brahmali's article on nibbana? I can't find it anywhere. Link to the clipped version of it in body.
I need a movie that the end of if will blow my fucking mind
Is Theravada a tradition that teaches and is compatible with non-dualism?
If you could make one thing illegal, what would it be?
I have seen claims that references to the Buddha looking amazing, the 32 marks of a great man, etc. are likely late, evidenced in suttas where he cannot be distinguished from other monks. With this in mind, why is the Parayanavagga considered one of the earliest works despite being heavy on these?
did anapanasati for 330 out-breaths. still nothing. what am i doing wrong?
Can anyone explain why one translator used "prayer" in a sentence where the other two didn't?
If you had to pick one music genre for the rest of your life what would it be?
Deb’s famous recipe
If you could ressurect one dead language and suddenly have native speakers who spoke just as they did during the period it was spoken what language would it be?
What is something people don't find cool anymore?
Movies with badies
Redditors, how would you describe Reddit to someone that's not familiar with Reddit?
Did Venerable Buddhadasa discuss the Atthakavagga in reference to his understanding of Dependent Origination? If so, where can I find his words on this topic? If not, have any other teachers who teach similar to Venerable Buddhadasa done so?
Every sutta that talks about enlightenment, the path to liberation, or right view, clearly and explicitly teaches that you must understand the twelve links and how they work. If you're not specifically understanding DO, you can't really be enlightened at all. Where do counter views come from?