What's your experience going on dates with people who don't respond much to messages on dating apps?
Relationship anarchy resources from a QPOC lens?
It's Saturday! What Are You Up To?
Any advice would be appreciated
Hinge :/
Lesbians on T
Forming my first Mutual Aid Group
Any POC butch lesbians? 😊
Any of y'all use that app Freddie?
Staying friends after two dates?
Historian finds Black lesbian ‘hero’ in San Diego’s archives
Lesbian Green Flags
Conversations on apps
2025 BIPOC Geology Camps In Washington State
I (F) am appalled at the amount of women in here who have said that they were not informed about UM :(
Just bought a hot plate, what wax do y’all use in yours?
Making friends in queer spaces
What are y’all’s thoughts on women who label themselves as lesbians but openly talk about having sex with or wanting to have sex with men?
well, damn
Camping while butch?
Popularity of femme x femme books
Dyke bike question
This butch is tired…
Update: Being Forced to take Pottery Class
loneliness in a butch who doesn't fit into butch stereotypes