H: 35k caps W: 875 plain mentats (40 caps each)
H: 1k Berry Mentats W: 35 leaders
H: 6x Thru Hiker W: 7 leaders each
H: 11x Thru Hiker W: 8 leaders each
H: 35k caps W: Mentats @40 caps each
H: OE/Powered/FDC Urban Scout Armor Right Leg W: 50 leaders
Furious/onslaught working with nuka nades in PTS?
Can’t scroll up? Problem solved
Good weapons other than Gatling plasma and auto axe
H: Pink Sprinkles PA paint W: 50 leaders
Hey everyone, Courier Meg Here!
H: pyromaniac W: polished
H: 2x Thru Hiker W: 1x pinpointer
H: 13x Thru Hiker W: 6 leaders each
H: 13x Thru Hiker W: 12 leaders each
H: 50 caps each W: plain mentats
Caps are worthless huh?
H: 2x Glowing Unicorn + 300 leaders W: Red Asylum
Question , who's the best ally and why?