Reject Fight Night x Sajam Slam: Street Fighter 6 International Championship Discussion Thread
How does this happen???? I literally had beef with this person
how do i fix my drive impact habit
Found a salt master, rage quitting just to prevent me from ranking up to Master!
What anime do you consider to be a masterpiece and why?
My gf(latina) told me (white) that she doesn’t believe you can be racist to white people.
I found out that my coworker smells my T-shirt every day.
The final product of me explaining Titan phase of UWU to a member of my static.
What gaming community do you come from?
Role swap?
Are you team PF or static ?
Patch 7.2 Raid gear from the liveletter
New Arcadion bosses from 7.2 trailer
Green bubble hate is real
I got fired for not being "bought" in enough
Characters who are less reliant on drive cancel?
Just a question
Dafran: "supports have to be broken because Blizz caters to women and trans people"
I was scammed on my first PC :/
Cyberpunk Cybertruck
Why do cats lay on their back like this?
When you realize you might have just thrown away your empire all just to own the libs.
Some fights should force players to use the jump button.
Heart racing when playing ranked