Any INFJ athletes?
Official GTA VI Trailer Video
I beat rogue company
Dowon Fanart
I'm sick and tired of the way reactionaries discuss media and how "reactionary critic" has become a profitable career.
Love triangles make everything worse
Why don't we see more serious, cold, distant, and sarcastic male characters in fiction? Honestly, this character type is overrepresented with female characters.
Please, recommend to me the best non-american animated films, directors, animators and studios
Leaving a ethnic cult known as IUIC (Black/Hebrew Israelites). Basically a black supremacy group.
With this deeply sad news, Think about Ging's words to Gon. Show love to your friends and family, Because life is an unpredictable thing. Rest In Power, Kentaro.
How did you guys start reading webtoon???