Night Lords unit concepts made from the new Emperor's Childen models, photobash I did with Nemesis Claw Killteam, Flesheater-Courts parts and Horus Heresy helmets. Made for inspiration.
Planning some conversions of the new 40k Emperor's Children into 30k White Scars for Horus Heresy - so I did this photobash infor it. Inspired by Visions of Heresy artworks.
This still baffles me.
Planning some conversions of the new 40k Emperor's Children into 30k White Scars for Horus Heresy - so I did this photobash infor it to make a few different units. Inspired by Visions of Heresy artworks.
Night Lords unit concepts for Horus Heresy made from the new Emperor's Childen models, photobash I did with Nemesis Claw Killteam, Flesheater-Courts parts and Horus Heresy helmets.
I was requested to do a photobash of one of the new Emperor's Chilren models into a Horus Heresy Thousand Sons Despoiler
Night Lords unit concepts for Horus Heresy made from the new Emperor's Childen models, photobash I did with Nemesis Claw Killteam, Flesheater-Courts parts and Horus Heresy helmets. Made for inspiration.
Night Lords Vexilla
The new Aster Crohne could work as a base for conversions into a Blood Angels Praetor, so here is a photobash concept I did with parts from the Sword Praetor and Sanguinary Guards.
The new Aster Crohne could work as a base for conversions into a Blood Angels Praetor or Captain, so here is a photobash concept I did with parts from the Sword Praetor and Sanguinary Guards.
Night Lord Praetor photobash concept I did from the new 40k Emperor's Children Lord Exultant combined with Nemesis Claw Killteam parts. One version with skincape and the other with a red one.
Color scheme test I did for my brothers Emperor's Children, he wanted to see how they looked like before he decided what scheme to go for.
Night Lords Praetor/Chaos-Lord photobash concept I did from the new 40k Emperor's Children Lord Exultant combined with Nemesis Claw Killteam parts. One version with skincape and the other with a red one.
An Iron Warriors Warsmith I photobashed from the unreleased Lord of Poxes. The Mk III armor just works so well for them and this model is BIG and imposing and just works perfect as a Chaos Lord.
Modelling Mkiii marines on Sky Hunters
Predator support tank done.
An Iron Warriors Warsmith photobashed from the unreleased Lord of Poxes. The Mk III armor just works so well for them and this model is BIG and imposing and just works perfect as a Praetor.
Looking forward to the new Lord of Poxes for 40k because I want to convert him for 30k, so here are some photobashes I did as a form of concepting and brainstorming
I wanted to photobash another Praetor out of the new 40k Emperor's Children Chaos Lord - now a White Scars!
I saw a size comparison of the Serperos Heavy Stalker and a Vorax. It got the cogs to turn and I photobashed a concept of how I want to make them into a Vorax. It got out of hand a bit as I fixed the background and added other units for scale, tried measuring as correct as possible. Hope you like!