Do you think that its okay for religion to influence the government? (like revoking trans rights, lgbtq+ rights etc.)
Welcome to my self-insert, KoleGamer thought
My name is Coo
Type “I’m going to” and let it autocomplete
Type in "I have explosive ___" and let auto complete finish it
Meet my new self insert, BasedChristianAmerican1776ism
trend (yes im mentakky ill befor u ask
What do you think about Authors who influenced me?
New Possible Trend. Second pic is an example of how I did it myself
This is me
Least racist montenegrins?
Islamic Libertarianism
what is my ideology?
Do you think incels/young ppl not dating is a societal problem and if so how would you solve it?
Which Way, Syndicalist Man?
Ideological Star Thingy
Erm lets see here....
My ML self's mitosis | Introducing Marxism-Atlanticism (MA)
Philosophy trend
It’s over for Erdogan 😔🇪🇺
2025 Australian Presumptive Election Candidates
What is your religion?
Schizophrenic Nazism / Estoeric National Socialism
Thoughts on Socialist Corporatism and Socialist Industrial Unionism?