First turntable - tailored request for advice
Help me choose a rug?
my room feels a bit empty, solutions?
Hairdresser for men's curly hair
A movie about a good psychopath?
International Tabletop Day is tomorrow and I am celebrating by giving away over $600 of D&D Loot to a single random winner! Worldwide Giveaway [Mod Approved] Check out the video and the comments for more details and the rules. Sponsored by Game Master Engine [OC].
Best UK sites for gear/clothing/all types of bushcraft/survival/outdoors goods?? 🙂
[IIL] songs with an intense 90s nostalgia factor like Soccer Mommy’s Circle the Drain or Radiohead’s High and Dry, [WEWIL]?
A movie where 2 people are connected through the decades
I'm looking for an album that will change my life
[IIL] Give me all your love by Alamaba Shakes, intense feeling songs? I’m in that headspace. Any alternative, anything really.
IIL Somebody Kill Me from the movie The Wedding Singer WWIL
IIL Have A Nice Life, Wolf Alice, Big Thief, and Car Seat Headrest - WWIL?
The Council of Handforth
IIL songs that are multilayered, in other words they change direction multiple times and can essentially be broken down into individual songs (i.e. Paranoid Android by Radiohead), WEWIL?
Bit random but need some help on a assignment for college and couldn't think of another place to ask.
IIL songs with prominent fast drums WEWIL
[IIL] Come and Get Your Love by Redbone [WEWIL?]
IIL mellow rap like Sunflower by Post Malone and death bed by Powfu, WEWIL
[IIL] Songs that have a "end of the world" vibe [WEWIL?]
IIL melancholic songs about youth like Ribs by Lorde and 20 something by SZA WEWIL
Rap, rock and other upbeat music with british slang
The majestic Snow Leopard
[Giveaway] $100 Xbox Gift Card