Suspected Scammer Callout Megathread
Offering: Shiny Ray Hat Pika Looking for: Shiny G Max Corsola and others from my list
wanted first pic, offering 2nd, only offering legendary mon if you have them registered, instant trades
Looking for top offering below (open to offer)
im also looking for shiny sunglasses squirtle
Looking for Top, Offering Guaranteed Lucky Pokemon below. Please read comment below
trading gmax Charizard/s looking for shiny costume offers
Willing to offer over 6 of your choice for the eevee, have a lot of regular shinnies as well but not going first unless you are trusted
Looking for Legendaries in Pokéballs, offering below
Looking for Shiny Kyurem (I can use lucky charm) and page 1. Offering pages 2-10.
Looking for: Shiny GMAX Tox & Offers / Offering: Below
Looking for offering to a flyer for a mewtwo trade
LF: First Image FT: Other Images and 1900+ shinys, regionals, other backgrounds, and costumes. Also have shiny bgs from Unova Tour. Will level 50 anything.
trading Gigantamax Charizard, looking for shiny costume offers
Looking for picture, offering below. Can fly, can wait till max friendship to trade for non registered Pokemons.
looking for mirror, offering mirror
Looking for Tandemaus offering Tandemaus in return, mirror trading
Tandemaus mirror trade
Looking for your guess as to my favorite pokemon. Offering Shiny Kyurem with LA or Taipei BG
willing to hear other shiny costume offers out as well
forgot to mention but the pokemon journeys pikachu has to be male, i also have dmax legendary birds
Looking for Lucky Trades, Offering Shiny (2017-2019)
Looking for Top, Offering Bottom
Looking for Tandemaus mirrors and some.
willing to hear other costume/background offers as well feel free to dm