Patch 81 dropped
I feel like most people forgot how broken lux is
Treant being used for Ghost King Kiss
All NEW Champs in Set 14 - Cyber City
what peak dark and darker gameplay looks like
Patch 80 was the nail in the coffin to the economy.
Thinking about doing a Red Vs Blue series but with this game
Can't compete with heal druid
Why didn’t?
Update, they unbanned me. But still no response on why I was banned in the first place
i just got banned for lagging?
Wrinkled Stocking or Something Else?
cat bites and cries as he does it
Cheater messing with me in norms
Barbarians have the most toxic people behind that keyboard.
As a ranger fuck this arena map
unblockable 136 damage, avoid the formidable node on the volibear path
"how to kill dru it is so tanky now" yeah
panther buffs, wow...
Okay I know why they didn't have a patch in 3 weeks.
Attempting to beat 6.5* Fiddle with all non-constellation champs (18/33). +Garen, Kayn, Diana, Jax, Illaoi, Elise, Asol.
I did it! I finally beaten 6.5 fiddle
Bosses easiest to hardest?
How I’m Finna Be When the Invis-Reveal Dust Finally Gets Added
How To Ruin Your ELO