me after i lose my cake shop combo for the bajillionth time (i just want to get the title😭) :
Years of character development undone in a single line
Type your favourite HSR character's name without using the crossed out letters
Characters who are popular but their source media is relatively obscure
What do you think of the new cookies?
Bloise & Chapture
he was banned and blocked by the roomba
When tragic stories have a canon AU where everyone is happy
Parents who aren't apart of the "Worlds" their partners/kids are apart of but are still extremely capable and tough to the point you can understand how their family members respect them even while they're technically "lesser"
Introducing Ryōshū's Dojo and the Refracted Dojo (throwing ideas for new permanent gamemodes)
Which Is The Real One?
You literally didn’t ask for anything.
I become too naive...
*Heroes* who gave *VILLAINS* PTSD [Bonus if the hero is usually friendly and peaceful]
That's. Not. How. Autism. Works.
What a jumpscare that HE appeared as a Intervallo 7.5-II announcer.
Name a character that nobody likes
What are your opinions about Black Forest Cookie?
beast yeast chapter 9 leak ( eternal sugar isnt in comic studio so i used cherry blossom)
ADD Sweets they said... they're going to love it, they said..
Characters who for lack of better term are literally walking spoiler
Kirby swallowed your favorite character. What abilities will he get?
Hop on to Nocturnal Sweeping PV premiere!