Let’s clear this up. Is Saint Pablo (Prod. Keyon Christ) the worst produced kanye song ever?
Ye is officially austic
Nightcrawler Open Matte
Different aspect ratios
I made a free tool to sort the custom order of your Spotify playlists by Date Added, Release Date, Popularity & Alphabetical. Feedback appreciated :)
Is it controversial to say TLOP > MBDTF?
Hes off the twix
Eminem sub bruh 😭
IMAX 70MM Upcharge?
Cinemark Upcharge
Do you think 'The Colors Within' will get an IMAX release in the United States?
Do gift cards no longer work with Pro/Patron
You have 10$ to spend, what are you buying?
How long do IMAX Laser upgrades take?
How long does IMAX laser upgrade take?
Is pre listening to music before it releases ruining the experience
What’s an iconic movie that everybody has seen except for you?
Vultures 2 > Donda 2
Everyone hating on Bomb when this is 100x worse
How long til Firewheel 18 (DFW) IMAX is finished renovating?
AMC Firewheel 18 Laser upgrade in 2 weeks? 🤔
Firewheel 18 IMAX Renovations??
Did anyone else notice imax took INTERSTELLAR off the schedule?
Has Any Violence Or Gore In A Film Ever Truly "Shocked" You?
This is the Only Movie That Will be Shot With IMAX Film Cameras in 2025