My sister called my pitty FUGLY and it hurts more than it should.
23f, 50lbs down give me a reason to keep going. Wannabe muscle mommy
Duo/roastme 1yr down can you make it end? (19F, 19M)
Possible grade?
Ibs is a pain.
What makes it an 8?
recently fire fits 🔥
What to eat with ibs c?
Day 4: What is Gucci's most emotional song?
I’ll dig my own grave you just have to put me in it (19F)
Stupid reasons you self harmed
Halloween costume…thoughts?
Men of Reddit, is it true that you guys find women who are extremely skinny more attractive? Why?
What’s your go-to snack or treat?
My BF literally told me he's having nightmares of me dy!ng again :(
[serious] How did you waste your teen years?
If humans came with warning labels, what would yours say?
I wish I could communicate with all living beings
What is your favourite quote you live by?
People from the USA: What foreign slang terms do you wish caught on here in the States?
What's one thing that is worse than cheating in a relationship?
What made you smile today?
What's the best part of a male to see?
Which of your big 3 would you say you relate to the most?
What sign does this in your experience?