H: BE25 Radium W: Copper please any amount of copper I’m begging u it’s so dark in my house
H: Glowing Bigfoot mask W: 1000 leaders
H: Glowing Bigfoot Mask W: Leaders
H: GBF W: Bobbles
Glowing Leader Bobblehead Value
H: 1676 leaders W: Rare apparel
H: GBF W: 1200 leaders
H: GBF Mask W: Leader offers
H: GBF W: Leaders
What is a pet rock they seem super rare but cool I’m curious
H:GBF W: Hella mods or godroll armor set offers.
What’s the best perks and mods for a stealth build?
H: BE15 and QE15 Flamers W: Mod offers
H: GLOWing Bigfoot mask W: Mod offers
What are the some of the less common but still non glowing masks worth? Specially blue devil or toothy man.
H: Van AND Bol/Sent/Wp ultracite sets with Jetpack helmet W: Weapon or Armor mod offers
W: 4 bruisers H: 38 leaders
H: 28k W: Two Pinpointer mods
W: Overeater, bruser, t hiker, sent mods H: Bol or Van/Sent/AP set of ult pa with Jetpack helmet
H: VE Minigun W: Caps or legendary mod offers
Can someone recommend me which legendary mods to put on a gauss shotgun? Or if you wanna recommend perk cards to use with it that works too I really wanna use it but idk what to do. Ty
H: Some Rare Masks W: Caps, heavy weapon, or armor pieces.
H: Glowing Honeybee, hag, demon, winterman, blue devil W: Any armor set offers matching only (mostly)
What’s a good third star for a heavy weapon? I’m open to using any build I’m just curious on what you guys think I should look for in a third star mod.
H: Caps W: Strength mod