My greasy loaf looks very unpleasant, but damn was it good
Question about loot lizards in Season 2
The hype is there. What about performance?
So, how to craft good exalted?
Neighbors tree crushed my car. Last night a gust of wind blew my neighbors tree over and it crushed my car. I was parked on the street and her tree was in her front yard. Is there a claim to be made on her home insurance? Auto insurance only? Help.
Heartseeker users next season be like
Which are the recommended YT content creators that are worth following for learning about brainstorming builds and tactics in LE?
Meme time
EHG I will be playing season 2
This is a really good Action RPG
Is it worth it?
No one seems to be talking about how Woven Offerings seems like one of the best new additions?
So we’ve had PhaseWALK, PhaseLOCK, PhaseSHIFT, PhaseLEECH, and PhaseSLAM, what’s her thing gonna be?
What's your favorite build youve played so far.
No way you mad men are playing MHW on the deck
Build makers of this game
I've seen comments that these seem useless but I just realized, these could work for experimental and champion affixes. Specially the rune of Havoc.
Criticisms of the campaign should not be dismissed
Brand new e-bike my parents gifted me stolen :(
Should I pick this game up?
Buddy got this at work for "hitting all target goals"...
Steam Family
Early and late game feel like they were designed by completely different game studios (and not in a good way) (wall of text)
for the sentinel update
Expectations for the new season (new player asking)