Will I have problems with ADHD and other mental health problems?
What's your best answer to the classic "I'm the one paying your salary"?
This is the public we serve
Any Veterinarians?
What large medical bag do you guys recommend?
This is what tracers do.
Fight interrupted… who would be in the most trouble?
Fight interrupted
What do you think of my AK setup? I think it’s pretty neat
(yet another...) Go-bag/trauma pack preferences
CMC mountain bag as Aid Bag
Meanwhile….in Switzerland.
Savotta medic pack vs Tasmanian tiger medic assault pack large.
Is it cringe to put an AED sticker on my bumper/trunk.
Is the Blackhawk STOMP II still being made? Are there any stores that sell them?
Why is the OD green Blackhawk stomp II 90$ cheaper then the other two?
Emergency car kit
Feeling physically ill after making my first move on a guy ever
I've been comparing lots of medical backpacks these days and I wonder what the difference is between the LBT M9 and the other one except for a 750$ price difference...
TT Medic Assault Pack L MKII IRR or TSSI M9 medic bag?
This ship was built in such a way that it can never sink
Vraag aan SEH- en ambulanceverpleegkundigen over verschil BE/ NL
Idc if that's not me, but that's a sick ass loadout, like god damn!!!!
What is wrong with the Dutch?
Car Emergency Kits