Over half of the cards in the best deck are season pass cards
Can we all agree that the new Festival of Battles stage is extremely unfun?
It’s not that I can’t beat the event, I know I could, it’s just that I’m not willing to spend two hours getting to the actual hard part to try again.
"Only a limited amount of players will be able to clear this event"
What is the one deck/card type you hate the most?
Does anyone else feel like this anniversary’s final ex is underwhelming?
OTA is live aka goodbye Hela.
i just came back to game ,is he still on top?
This league is the worst.
Is Snap your favourite card game ever? If not then what is or was.
Opening packs twice every day like
What Are Your Character Rankings Last Season?
Dawg tf am I even supposed to do at this point 😭😭
Talk about an identity crisis, huh? 💀
Hardest challenge ever
Im quiting playing ranked
I’m just gonna go ahead and say it. I hate Kuzan. He is the worst unit since SSnake. Here is my little rant about how annoying it is to always be matched up against 4 kuzans.
"the climax"
PSA - Free Arceus upon opening 4 packs using stamina
Average PTCGP player:
This sums up my experience lately
If people keep retreating on you, you aren’t playing in a way that makes others want to play with you.
You should get all 16 points if your opponent retreats.
How do y'all deal with that Garp maniac ?!