Collage for Lord Apollon
What are some ways you worship Lord Hephaestus?
Cleaned Apollo’s alter as a thanks for the sunny day 💛🌻
Is this okay?
Group Activity: Devotional Artwork/Media! ✨
7 Pillars of Hellenismos
Recommended books
Gift For You All from Lord Apollon☀️
Stepping down as Owner of LordDionysus
Collage for Eros and Pschye 💖
I made a little collage for Lady Hekate!
My altar for Apollo
Devotional Bracelet for Aphrodite
Altar for Lord Apollon ✨
I don’t really know what to do with these offerings
Eclectic offering to Lady Aphrodite focusing on her Morpho and Symmakhia epithets
Good texts to read
Introduction (I saw many people do it)
Introduction ✨✨
Intro cuz other people are doing it
✨ Gift for You All ✨