When ever I break a block it glitches and reappears then eventually dissapears then drops the broken block. How to fix?
Best Late Christmas Present Ever
Who is smarter Leonard or Rajesh?
Best Europe Clash of Nations country?
Most annoying character line?
American Empire 🇺🇸🗽
?I have never player World at War before, how do I win? What country?
In a 1939 map which is better? Germany or the US?
Is there a COW discord?
What moment sent the coldest chills down your spine, that to this day…you watch to get hyped?
i am fond of pigs
New player: Civ 5 or Civ 6? (for Mac)
What do I do? Need help asap
Any dueling tips for Play Station? Lightsabers? Basically never played any before and would like to switch from GA?
So warbonds are essentially useless now?
What happened to war-bonds? I am confused?
What is your favourite episode from the show? I'll start: 'The Thanksgiving Decoupling'
Is skeleton crew good? I have seen heaps of different opinions regarding the show and was genuinely just wondering if it is good or not?
Day 14 Libya? Is it going well? Any recommendations?
Call of war tactics
If you were born in Star Wars? What would you be?
Servers are dead? Have tried every server including GERMANY and VIRGINIA but have found nothing?
He is abt to attack and put all his ships across the mediterranean with 0 ships to defend him, his entire army is here, he is a goner. Pt.2