The countries on this map that aren't mentioned by tomorrow will be removed day 1
Do you?
We know what it is…
What is it
What image editing app/website do you use for editing maps?
Top Comment removes a Country [Day 23]
Which Asian flag is the BEST. Take out your LEAST FAVEROTE one. Top comment will be removed. (DAY2)
Guess the country (wrong answers only)
Adding funny cities you know, I've been translating some of these and they are very funny
7: Which state should I add? (Top most liked/upvoted) [TIKTOK BONUS ROUND!]
Does anyone want to try and get as many cities as possible?
I ranked some flags you told me too
Where is our logo..........................
Who the Hell is tHis guy?
Day 7 - There are 20 teams remaining. From now on 5 comments are included. Top 3 powers are: 3. New England 2. California's Army 1. Long Florida
What's one opinion you have that everyone your age would disagree?
Choose a meal
Map of how far your subdivision is from the coast.
Day 3 of ranking flags you tell me
Top comment removes a Country [Day 22]
Top comment changes the map: South America edition: longest Chile ever encircled whole continent. Day 2.
Guess the Flag (Kind of Hard)
I suck at geography
my name is H d H
Here comes another war. Mods. Really. Why are you doing this.
Making Empires For Random Countries Day 4 (Türkiye) (Thank You u/Controlalt-delete for the idea to do Türkiye)