Which side(s) do you typically root for whenever you encounter these fights in Half Life 1 and Opposing Force?
The first Cultist model for my CSM army, complete!
SO….been working on a thing…
There’s no Laws Against the Pokémon, Batman ;3 (haokan) [f]
Turns out one of my men was related to sly marbo
Wake up woman
Send ur best memes
Behold, Realistic Meatley
Gaming opinions that would get you in this situation?
Btw, did anyone else kind of love the Creator's Tank ?
The released body cam footage of NFL star Tyreek Hill being detained
Name ONE
Lord solar proxy
Ogryns Assault by 0ouch
Working on a lil project....
Do you even care? I sure don't, now if you do explain..
well it didn't just grow legs and walk away now did it?
Just found this absolute banger of a song
Do it.
Go on👀
1st 40k game I’ve played to the end without running out of time. Iron Warriors vs the Emperor’s pathetic mortal slaves, the Imperial Guard.
alastor's chasing you around town with the intent to make you his next victim. the MC of the last show you watched is gonna protect you. how fucked are you two?
I need y’all answers
Give me your most recently saved image