How do you unlock more pets and where to find them
Blitz bugged?
Incantation unlock help
Baldur’s Gate 3 publisher wants an official “mature” cartoon
TFT Worlds 2025 Set 13 in a Nutshell
Give me reasons or builds for staffs other than Momus
3 cost reroll win condition ?
Set 14 PBE release
Really Supergiant Games?
Congratulations to the Into the Arcane's Tactician's Crown Champion!
I Thought Mundo 3 would have saved me!?
Is losing required?
COMPETITIVE RULING: Kevin "Setsuko" Jiang
How can TFT even categorize itself as a competitive game if nothing can be done against collusion?
CN Worlds Remover Play
In what way does clone/ghost fight are weaker all the time?
Do Tiebreakers Exist?
Will Dr Langdon...
Will we ever be able to have progress transfer from the PTB to live?
Can't get the boons I want even though I have 6 rerolls.
Langdon’s possible return
New primaries this, new support weapons that, what about new eagle strats?
everybody was right!!!
The Pitt | S1E11 "5:00 P.M." | Episode Discussion
When to pick Poseidon?