Is the Accuracy of Agni5 Really <10metres cause even American missiles like trident and minuteman or DF-41 are not that accurate or this is an exaggeration by DRDO. Your opinions?
4 redlines of Pakistan if crossed by India might invite a nuclear attack from Pakistan- Strategic plans Division Director general Khalid Kidwai Your opinions?
NSG Commando Unit during and After Akshardham 2002 temple attack and siege
Assuming Pakistan strikes India first with the nuclear attack order coming from Rawalpindi, how will India respond?
Nuclear Exchange and Annihilation between India and Pakistan(Checkout the casualties guys and see whether a warhead is aimed at your the city in which you live) Your opinions?
What’s sacrosanct about “42 Squadrons”? Or, is it a Cover for Importing More Foreign Fighter Aircraft? Read those Screenshots .Your opinions?
Chinese Nuclear forces aim for a 1000 Thermonuclear Warheaded Force by 2030 Compare that too the present 180 Indian fission warheaded forces(Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists) Your opinions on the report
Proposed Treaty to Prevent Nuclear War in South Asia
1971 Western Sector Formations and Images of Eastern Sector Offensive. Your opinions?
Chinese nuclear weapons, 2025
Can i game at 1440p or 1600p with this laptop for the next 3 years. Specs - i9 14900hx, RTX 4070 , 32gb ram lenovo legion pro 5i Opinion guys?
INS VIKRANT - India's first Operational Aircraft Carrier in 1971 Operations
Jeep Mounted Recoilless Guns of indian infantry in 1971 invasion
Mukti Bahini units that were trained by India
The design of MIRVED Agni5 version specially the nosecone looks so similar to the American Peacekeeper missiles(Most advanced ICBM of United States) is it copied from the Peacekeeper? Your opinions?
Compilation of Images of General Sundarji (in the 1st pic general sundarji would spend hours on computers researching and reading about nuclear and related stuff after that he published his first and very famous book the "Blind men of hindoostan") Your opinions?
India needs to pay attention to the recent train attack in Balochistan.
Don't know why but now these lines make a lot of sense after the train hijack incident "You can do one mumbai you may lose Baluchistan" - Ajit doval Your opinions?
What are your opinions on the indian defense analyst praveen sawhney and his recommended defense policies for india (his youtube channel in the link below) Rate him
GTA6 is now the least concern for me in 2025.
Makes the experience so much better
Can I play gta 5
Then Brigadier GD Bakshi(Retd as an major general)in Gulabgarh Kishtawar,Kashmir in early 2000s(before his deployment this area was heavily affected by terrorism ). Brigadier with Village defence committees of surrounding areas
51 SAG (NSG) CO, 2IC And SM Sahab in One Frame